Steve Jobs Tribute Calender Rejected from Apples’ App Store

When Apple co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs passed away in October, people around the world felt like they had lost someone they knew, if only through the devices they own that bear the Apple brand. Many took to Apple Stores as a way of paying their respects, leaving messages and Apple products when they left.

One iOS app developer decided that the best way to honor Jobs was to release a special, free calendar app on Apple’s App Store but according a report by MacNN, Apple was not so keen on the idea.

In fact, Apple’s App Store testing team decided to reject the app completely, meaning we will never get to see the tribute ourselves…

The app’s developer, Nushka Labs, usually sells calendar apps which allow users to import their own images and then email them to their friends. Facebook sharing is also included for those that choose to use it, and the apps retail for a dollar.

The tribute app worked much along the same lines, although obviously the images were already there along with attribution where necessary. The app was also going to be free, meaning that Nushka Labs would not make any money on the deal. Apple, though, would not allow it onto the App Store. The App Store team did at least see fit to offer an in-depth response to app, along with a thankyou.

In a message sent from the App Store team to Nushka Labs, Apple claims that they have decided not to accept “these types of apps” which points to the company rejecting any other apps that claim to be a tribute to the man that rebuilt Apple in the late 90s.

While a shame, it is worth remembering that anyone wishing to share stories about Steve Jobs or read those of others can still visit the company’s “Remembering Steve” web page to do just that.

Posted on December 31, 2011, in App Store, Steve Jobs and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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